Peanut Diseases

Peanut disease management continues to be a major focus of Dr. Brenneman’s research program – specifically, the soilborne pathogens Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani and Cylindrocladium parasiticum.

Pecan Diseases

Pecan scab (Fusicladium effusum) is a devastating disease responsible for huge losses in Georgia.  The primary means of controlling this disease is fungicide sprays and that is a significant component of Dr. Brenneman’s research program.

Pecan Truffles

Dr. Brenneman discovered pecan truffles (Tuber lyonii) in Georgia in the late 1980s.  He and his collaborators are working toward developing a method for inoculating pecan trees with the fungus in order to produce truffles consistently.

Tuber brennemanii

Pecan Truffle Pokemon Card

New to the Pokemon universe is the Pecan Truffle Pokemon card. Designed by a collaborator, the card details characteristics of “Tuber brennemanii.”

Georgia is the number one producer of both peanuts and pecans in the United States.

However, our humid climate is very favorable for diseases, and losses can be severe in wet years.  The cost of disease control is one of the biggest production expenses for many growers each year.  The focus of my research is on applied epidemiology and management of pecan diseases and soilborne diseases of peanuts.  This involves an integrated,  multi-faceted approach utilizing cultural practices, fungicides, and host resistance in new ways that are effective and economical for producers.