Peanut Diseases

Discovering the potential benefit of one early season spray for peanut stem rot (white mold) opens new doors for management of this important soilborne disease
Peanut disease management continues to be a major focus of Dr. Brenneman’s program, specifically working with the soilborne pathogens Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani and Cylindrocladium parasiticum.
Components include:
- An integrated program looking for resistance genes in cooperation with Dr. Holbrook and Dr. Branch in Tifton.
- Testing new fungicides and use patterns to improve efficacy, with notable developments such as in-furrow applications, early season narrow banding and night spraying to improve efficacy on soilborne pathogens.
- Investigating the effects of changing cultural practices such as reduced tillage, higher seeding rates, twin row planting and irrigation on disease development. The results of these studies are incorporated each year as updates in the Georgia Peanut Disease Risk Index, making them readily available to growers needing the information to make management decisions (link?).